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Attention Everyone Who is Confused about Working out and Dieting:

What is the Real Truth Behind all of These Newest Workout and Equipment? What about the newest Diet or Tea you have seen in the recent Magazine? What’s the Fastest way of losing fat?


Find Out The Truth About Your Most Common Fitness Questions. Begin Working Towards Your Goal Physique Without Being Confused From The Constant Overflow Of Information Out There. 24 Ways Fitness has deceived you & the REAL solutions to them

Keep Reading below to find out how!

Dear Friend, 

Finally Find Out The Truth About Your Most Common Fitness Questions. Begin Working Towards Your Goal Physique Without Being Confused From The Constant Overflow Of Information Out There. 24 Ways Fitness has deceived you & the REAL solutions to them

The Problem: Too much information

frustrationThere is so much information on Health & Fitness on the web that it’s a struggle to find the Truth. It’s hard to distinguish who’s trying to sell you and what actually works, what’s real and what’s fake. It becomes confusing and frustrating.

Here are the problems when you don’t know the truth about Fitness and Health

  • You try the latest workout trend or diet
  • A lot of water weight is lost
  • You lose minimum actual fat
  • A lot of muscle is lost along the way. Making it harder to lose fat.
  • After your month of trying the newest trend, you regain everything you lost, plus more
  • After your month of trying the newest trend, you regain everything you lost, plus more

The solution: everything in one place

In order to solve these issues I’ve compiled the most common myths & how to actually achieve the results you are looking for when you heard about these myths. Everything Is In One Spot So That You Don’t Have to Search Tirelessly and Lose Your Motivation In the Process

The reason I wrote this book was because I myself struggled through the same things year after year and was book coverfrustrated from the lack of results. I tried the fancy diets, I did the “BEST” exercise plan in order to gain muscle and lose fat. I worked in the Gym for years aimlessly, not knowing if what i was doing was correct. I spent HOURS and HOURS at a time researching the different methods to training & nutrition, only to eventually find myself back at square one and being more confused than when I started

You’ll learn and make the proper adjustments from your first read. Nobody wants to spend hours rabbit readingreading about what’s right and wrong. That’s why you’re here! I made it simple and to the point!

Apply these solutions I give you to these fitness myths INSTANTLY.  Enough confusion from all the magazine articles and supplement advice that you are getting from someone that is trying to sell you over the counter.  Look no further! All your top questions regarding nutrition and fitness will be answered in here.

After learning why these scams don’t work and what to do instead, you’ll be able to focus more on what you originally Intended on in the first place. Lose weight, get stronger, and save your time and money by knowing the truth.

why should I bother with this book?

I was a victim of all of these fitness fallacies myself, asking hundreds of people their opinion on.. Detox diets, “special” shakes, high reps or low reps. I’ve tried it myself, I’ve gone through the pain of being lost over and over from conflicting opinions websites, and books. Everything in this book is backed by clients i’ve trained trained, people I’ve guided, my own personal experiences, as well as scientific research done by others, I am also certified by the National Academy of Sports Medicine, where I have studied these matters thoroughly.



  • Train Efficiently
  • Know what’s a waste of time and what works
  • Save Money on Gimmicky Products & Scams
  • Saving yourself years of research that could have been spent on getting your dream physique
  • Have a better knowledge base of nutrition (Are there better foods for you to eat?) What makes you gain muscle, etc…
  • Lose Fat and Keep it Off the Healthy Way!
  • Recover from Workouts the Best way
  • Avoiding nonsense exercises and myths that work minimal at best!
  • Most importantly You Will avoid the pain that you might have ran into wasting your time doing the wrong thing.

"Fady Mansi has helped clarify common myths and misconceptions for me and I have been a personal trainer/bodybuilder for 13 years!"1

Fady Mansi has helped clarify common myths and misconceptions for me and I have been a personal trainer/bodybuilder for 13 years! His knowledge is first class compared to many I’ve heard and have seen in the fitness industry. I highly recommend Fady Mansi’s insight to anyone, beginner or advanced. He has helped me with it and continues to help me beyond what I can type into words. James Tangherlini

"As a personal trainer, I recomment this book to anyone looking to make a healthy lifestyle change"

Great source of information throughout this book, especially when we find ourselves fallingtestimonial2 for these fast and easy ways to
losing weight. As a personal trainer, I recommend this book to anyone looking to make a healthy lifestyle change. Educating themselves on the myths of fitness and finding the right solution for long lasting results
      – Luis Rico

Added bonus!

The knowledge you will learn in this book is some that most don’t even learn throughout a lifetime. Most people waste their time trying to find the right answers to these common misconceptions and end up giving up due to being so overwhelmed. I know this because I was that person. Every week, i’d ask who i thought was a credible person their opinion on something, do what they’ve advised for a week, then see something in a magazine article that says the complete opposite. Only to ultimately go back and forth between all the opinions and magazine articles and end up quitting before i started. It’s a vicious cycle and it sucks! Trust me, I did it for years. Learn from my mistakes and take the proven path. Backed by research and actual application to myself and a multitude of clients I’ve done the groundwork for you. End the frustration and focus on the task at hand at becoming the best version of yourself!  Best of all you will be sent this ebook instantly so that you don't have to wait any longer.

Not only will you be learning the truths of the fitness industry and how to get the outcome you were looking for. But with today’s purchase you will get:

 -  Your very own weight training program for FREE.

 - I've got you covered!  

Included will be your very own routine for beginners to advanced lifters.                  

 - Programs for men AND women, so that anybody can benefit from this, whether you can only train 2 days a week or 7 days a week.  Included is a program for everybody

AS WELL AS Future videos on

- How to train properly

- Creating Your own program

- When to make adjustments

- How to make adjustments to your routine

- When you should take time some time off

guarantee                                                                                                                        If this book hasn’t helped you to save time, money and energy in your fitness journey, if you don’t like it. You have 60 days to return it for a full refund. No questions asked!

       $27buy now

If you don’t buy this now, you will probably go do some research yourself, go back and forth and end up being more confused and frustrated than when you started.confused As promised, you will be able to apply these truths IMMEDIATELY to your health and fitness. Otherwise you’ll end up in the endless cycle of wondering if what you are doing is actually working.

You’re going to get the answers you’ve been seeking all this time that the magazines and supplement companies don’t want you to know, in fear of losing money.

Everyone can benefit! Let’s face it, we all want to be a better version of ourselves but are overwhelmed with all the information out there. I’ve simplified it and put it the information that will help you the most, all in one place.

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I thoroughly enjoyed reading “Twenty Four Ways Fitness Has Deceived You”. In addition to learning a lot on common misconceptions in the fitness/weight loss arena I learned healthy approaches to better myself. I feel more confident that I can attain the goals I have set for my health and fitness without succumbing to falsities. Added bonuses to reading this e-book were that he wrote it as if we were just chatting at a gym or coffee shop which ensured an entertaining yet informative read. I highly suggest this book for anyone looking to attain health and fitness goals without gimmicks.
Julie WIlkins
I believe Fady did an excellent job in describing some common myths within the fitness world today. This Ebook provides audiences with basic knowledge that will propel them in their fitness journey. Whether they’re just beginning or have been working out but were lost because of the misconceptions the fitness industry has put out there.
Sampson Brue

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Not only will you be saving time and money with this book, but in addition you’ll receive a free workout plan that is designed to help you achieve maximal results. I’m going to include future videos of how to design your own program as well as a pdf sample for your own routine that you’ll be able to adjust.

Just click "buy now" below to receive your special  price of just $27... Plus your very own workout routine

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Have a question?
We probably already answered it below!

Who is this this book for?

This is for anyone that is confused about fitness and nutrition.  This book will help guide you in the direction you want to go. I’ve compiled the most common fitness myths and the truths to them in one spot. This way you can focus more on working to get your goal body, instead of wondering what you are doing is right.

Why will this benefit me?

This book is going to save you precious time and money. Time in the gym killing yourself, thinking what you’re doing is right, when you could be wasting your time.  You’ll be saving tons of money from avoiding purchasing  magic powders, pills, and weight loss programs that have outrageous claims.  You’re going to learn the real truth behind them and how to do what actually works! This will help you take your nutrition and workouts to a new level by understanding what to do correctly

Is this suited for a beginner?

Absolutely!  In fact this book is for anyone who is sick and tired of working out and dieting with little to no results.  Whether you are a new to working out, or have been working out for years. This book will help you get to the next level.

I'm not a young adult, will this program still work for someone considerably older?

Yes, especially in the nutritional part of this book. Nutrition is vital to your health, so understanding what and how to eat is key to keep you healthy for a long time, in your 20s 40s and 60s.

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How soon can I use the information in this book?

Instantly! 24 Ways Fitness has deceived you & the Real solutions to them provides you quality content from the first read.  You will instantly learn fallacies and why they have been hindering your progress. You’ll be able to make adjustments to your diet and workouts immediately!

Can this benefit women as well as men?

Absolutely!  Women and men alike can both benefit from this as we touch on topics that affect both.  Nobody is singled out.  

What if it doesn’t work for me?

Then it's all FREE.

Simple, if you apply the principles of 24 Ways Fitness has deceived you & the Real solutions to them, and do NOT benefit from the changes you’re applying in your first 60 days, just contact us and we'll refund your money. That easy.

We stand behind our product as the contemporary book of fitness, and if doesn't yield you results and progress from what you’ve done in the past, you get your money back.  No hassles, no hoops to jump through, just a prompt, courteous refund.

As you can see, the responsibility is 100% on us to deliver — the only thing you need to do is let us prove it to you!

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